A Realtor’s Journey: Lessons from Justin Caudillo

Imagine a real estate world where listings are king, where the landscape is dotted with rural properties that come with their own unique challenges, and where success is not just measured by the number of transactions, but by the quality of life you’re able to maintain. This is the world Justin Caudillo has mastered, and his journey offers invaluable lessons for realtors striving to reach new heights in their careers.

The Power of Listings

From the outset, Justin understood something fundamental: listings are the cornerstone of a thriving real estate business. "There's so much green here," he reflected, looking at his impressive portfolio of listings. In an industry where many agents struggle to secure inventory, Justin has carved out a niche by focusing heavily on listings. The leverage that listings provide—both in terms of visibility and business growth—is something every agent should aspire to achieve.

Mastering the Art of Disclosures

Working in real estate, particularly with rural properties, isn’t always straightforward. These transactions often come with a myriad of potential pitfalls—unpermitted buildings, undisclosed liabilities, and more. Justin’s approach to these challenges is both simple and profound: "You disclose, disclose, disclose in writing." For him, transparency is not just a legal obligation; it’s a moral one. By ensuring that every detail is out in the open, he not only protects his clients but also safeguards his own reputation and business. This level of diligence is what sets the best agents apart from the rest.

The Business Owner Mindset

Many agents fall into the trap of treating real estate like a flexible, part-time gig. Not Justin. "I start at nine and I'm usually done by five," he says, emphasizing the importance of treating real estate like a full-time business. By setting regular hours and prioritizing tasks, Justin maintains a level of discipline that allows him to stay ahead of the game, while also preserving his work-life balance—something many agents struggle to achieve.

Adapting to Industry Changes

The real estate industry is in a constant state of flux, and those who fail to adapt quickly find themselves left behind. Justin is not one to resist change. In fact, he welcomes it. Reflecting on recent shifts in how buyer agents are compensated, he sees an opportunity rather than a challenge: "I'm going to waste a lot less time with people that are serious about working with me." By educating his clients and adjusting his approach, Justin continues to thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Embracing Fiduciary Duty

What truly sets Justin apart is his deep commitment to his fiduciary duty. "I love being a fiduciary," he says, and it’s clear that this isn’t just lip service. For Justin, every transaction is an opportunity to put his clients' needs first. Whether he’s representing a buyer or a seller, his goal is always to ensure that they are fully informed and protected. This approach has earned him the trust and loyalty of his clients, many of whom return to him time and again.

The Power of Presence

Justin’s success isn’t just due to his hard work; it’s also about being visible in his market. "I mainly do direct mailings to my farm of my area," he explains, describing how he maintains his presence in the community. By consistently putting his name in front of potential clients, Justin has become the go-to agent in his region. For other agents, this is a powerful lesson: visibility is key. If people don’t know who you are, they won’t think to call you when they’re ready to buy or sell.

Navigating Difficult Properties

One of the most fascinating aspects of Justin’s career is his expertise in handling complex, rural properties. "I feel like we could dive in here and call this episode ‘Justin’s Guide to Difficult Properties,’" he jokes. But it’s no laughing matter. These transactions often involve a labyrinth of challenges, from unpermitted structures to intricate land use issues. Yet, Justin approaches each one with confidence and thoroughness, ensuring that all potential problems are disclosed and addressed upfront. This kind of expertise not only sets him apart but also solidifies his reputation as a trusted professional who can handle even the most daunting real estate challenges.

Systemizing Success

Despite his success, Justin is the first to admit that there’s always room for improvement. "I would like to move more to a referral-based business," he says, reflecting on his desire to streamline his operations and reduce reliance on lead generation. For Justin, the next step in his journey is to systemize his business, creating processes that allow him to work smarter, not harder. By doing so, he hopes to free up more time for the things that truly matter—like spending time with his family.

Work-Life Balance: The Ultimate Goal

For Justin, real estate is about more than just making a living. It’s about creating a life that allows him to spend quality time with his wife and children. "To me, personal life is important. I want to spend time with my kids and my wife and make memories," he shares. This balance between professional success and personal fulfillment is something every agent should strive for. After all, what’s the point of success if you don’t have the time to enjoy it?

Looking to the Future

As he looks to the future, Justin’s goals are clear: to continue growing his business in a way that allows him to maintain his work-life balance. He plans to refine his systems, improve his time management, and transition to a more referral-based model. But perhaps most importantly, he wants to ensure that his career supports the life he wants to live, not the other way around.

Advice for the Next Generation

If Justin could offer one piece of advice to new agents, it would be this: "Don't be afraid to spend money to make money." Investing in your business—whether through coaching, lead generation, or marketing—is essential to achieving long-term success. But just as important is the need to establish good systems and time management practices from the outset. Doing so will not only make you more efficient but also help you avoid the burnout that plagues so many in the industry.


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