Chris Mueller: Transformative Leader and Inspiring Speaker

Chris Mueller is the Executive Director of the Benton Group's Southern California Brokerages, one of Real Trends' top 500 real estate companies. Overseeing a team of 500+ agents, Chris has driven sales exceeding $400 million in the past year. His journey from ministry, where he grew a small church to over 7,000 families, to leading successful real estate teams showcases his exceptional leadership.

Chris speaks on topics such as:

  • Communicating Vision and Empowering Teams

  • Operating from Your Genius

  • Leading Through Trial

His talks often feature personal stories, including a heartfelt anecdote from Philippians 4:6-9 that sustained him through his child’s cancer battle. Chris holds a BA in History and Theater Arts and Communications from Whittier College and has authored Fire Inside, a book on masculinity. His work has been featured on and, and he shares insights through blogs and podcasts on

With a reputation for inspiring and empowering audiences, Chris Mueller is a sought-after speaker across the US and Canada.