Revitalizing My Fitness Routine: Embracing Change and Novelty

Recently, I had an epiphany—I’m utterly bored with my fitness regimen. Since the onset of the Covid pandemic, my garage gym with its squat rack and free weights has been my fitness sanctuary. However, despite the convenience, my motivation to push through intense workouts has dwindled. This slump is concerning, especially since maintaining fitness isn’t just a preference for me; it’s essential. Inspired by Dr. Peter Attia's insights in Outlive, I aim to embody the vitality of someone decades younger. With six kids, the youngest of whom will be 18 when I turn 60, I have all the reasons in the world to stay fit. I envision myself active in my later years, hiking, visiting Disney, and playing with future grandchildren.

Realizing that I need to inject some excitement back into my fitness routine, I decided to shake things up. This Monday, sparked by the wakefulness from my grounding mat (a nod to my previous blog post), I embarked on a new adventure. Instead of heading to my weights, I hopped on my mountain bike at 5:45 AM and rode through the chilly morning air. Our neighborhood's hilly terrain provided the perfect challenge. The exhilaration I felt zooming downhill reminded me of the joys of my youth, racing down long slopes. After a grueling 30-minute ride, my legs were jelly—exhausted but invigorated.

But my fitness goals aren’t just about leg strength; upper body fitness is equally important to me, not only for function but for form. I want to look as good as I feel. Recognizing that cycling doesn’t cater much to arm development, I switched gears the next morning. Instead of the cold plunge I’d grown accustomed to in winter, I utilized our now 74-degree pool for a high-intensity swim. Strapping on a neoprene belt attached to a bungee cord, I embarked on a 30-minute session of freestyle swimming HIIT. The resistance from the bungee cord and the challenge of mastering breaths without swallowing water added a fresh layer of complexity to my workout. Despite the initial struggle, the burning in my lungs and arms at the end of the session was both terrible and terrific.

My recent foray into mixing up my workout routines has been a revelation. It’s cleared the cobwebs of monotony and rekindled my passion for fitness. While I will definitely return to weightlifting, for now, I’m relishing the rediscovery of past joys and the challenge of new activities. Fitness is about adaptation and enthusiasm, and as long as the will is there, the ways to achieve one’s goals will unfailingly present themselves. 

As I continue to explore and enjoy these variations, I’m reminded that sometimes, the best way to move forward is to change the path.


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