10 Times Easier than 2 Times

Recently I've been reading through the book '10 Times Is Easier Than Two Times, (Marc King recommended it in our recent podcast conversation) and I have to say it has been incredibly eye-opening and challenging in the best way. If I told you right now that growing your business by 10 times would be easier than doubling it, most of us would say that’s crazy. We often think that 10 times must take 10 times the effort. However, the premise of the book is exactly the opposite. In order to operate at a much higher level, you can’t just hustle your way there. You have to change your focus and discipline your activities to concentrate 100% on the 20% that makes the biggest difference. You need to adopt new ways of thinking and new systems and models.

This has got me thinking not just about my business but also about my home as a family. How are we focusing on our top 20% of activities, and are we sacrificing that top 20% by chasing the 80% of tasks that need to get done but don’t contribute significantly to the results we need?

For me, it breaks down to whether I am working in my area of genius at home and whether my wife has the space and time to work in her area of genius or if she is buried in a mountain of domestic tasks that really anyone (possibly even a robot) could handle.

I’ve been asking the question: What are the things we could outsource at home that would free up more time for parenting, investing in our future, and providing us with space and time for self-reflection, relaxation, and enjoying the incredible family life we’ve created? The obvious answers are things like a housekeeper or a personal shopper, but there’s something important about a family learning to take care of itself by handling cooking and cleaning and taking care of the things we have.

What about managing bills? Balancing the checkbook or handling our S Corp.? Could we outsource that? What if we brought on a bookkeeper to handle our monthly reconciliation, categorize our bills, and empower them to pay all the regular bills while providing us with a monthly report on our spending habits? As I think about it, my heart is filling with excitement. Just that one change could transform everything. I can’t even imagine the lack of stress during tax season.

But here’s the thing about '10 Times Is Easier Than Two Times' – it’s scary. It costs a little money, and it requires a mindset shift from 'we can’t afford this' to 'we can’t afford not to do this.' It also requires faith in yourself to take advantage of the extra space and time you’ve been given.

I’m challenged, and I hope you are too. I hope you’re thinking about what you could outsource to make '10 times' a reality in your life. Post in the comments, and let’s have a conversation. We’ll talk again soon.


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