Building a Resilient Real Estate Career: Lessons from Ryan McKee's Journey

In the ever-fluctuating world of real estate, navigating through market downturns, client relationships, and personal growth can be quite challenging. Ryan McKee's journey in the industry provides a profound blueprint for resilience and success, particularly insightful for those starting out or looking to revamp their strategies.

Starting in a Downturn

Ryan began his real estate career in 2008, a year marked by economic turmoil and a significant housing market crash. Unlike many who might have hesitated, he saw an opportunity amidst adversity. Ryan's entry into real estate wasn't just a leap of faith; it was a calculated move inspired by his father's longstanding career in the same field. His early experiences were tough, teaching him crucial lessons about the importance of adaptability and perseverance.

Importance of Adaptation and Team Building

A significant takeaway from Ryan’s story is the importance of adaptation. Transitioning from working with institutional clients to focusing on individual buyers and sellers, Ryan realized the necessity of being flexible with business strategies. His ability to shift focus was not instantaneous but evolved through experiences of burnout and the realization that a change was imperative for sustainability.

Building a team also played a crucial role in Ryan’s career. Initially starting as a solo agent overwhelmed by the workload, he learned that sustainable success required more than just hard work—it needed strategic team building. Developing a reliable team allowed him to delegate effectively and focus on areas that fueled business growth and personal well-being.

Leveraging Coaching and Systems

Perhaps one of the most transformative aspects of Ryan’s career has been the integration of coaching and systems into his daily operations. Recognizing that hustle alone wasn't enough for long-term success, he invested in coaching to refine his business practices and management skills. This not only enhanced his professional development but also ensured his business could operate more efficiently and effectively.

Cultivating Client Relationships

Ryan emphasizes the shift from viewing transactions as one-time deals to fostering ongoing client relationships. This approach not only helps in building a loyal customer base but also enhances referrals and repeat business. Understanding client needs, focusing on their satisfaction, and being a dependable advisor rather than just a service provider are key elements that Ryan highlights for maintaining successful client relations.

Embracing a Servant Leadership Mentality

Leadership in real estate, according to Ryan, is about more than just leading a team—it's about serving them. Adopting a servant leader mentality has allowed him to support his team’s growth and, in turn, the growth of his business. This involves understanding team members' individual strengths, motivations, and professional goals, and aligning them with the business objectives to create a cohesive and motivated workforce.


Ryan McKee's journey in real estate is a testament to the power of resilience, adaptability, and strategic thinking. For real estate professionals at any stage of their career, his experiences underscore the importance of embracing change, the value of coaching, and the impact of nurturing relationships, both with clients and team members. As the real estate landscape continues to evolve, these lessons remain ever relevant, guiding new agents and seasoned professionals alike towards sustainable success in a competitive field.


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